How we work
EUDiF offers support to public institutions of partner countries and diaspora organisations based in Europe. In the pilot phase (2019-2024), this was via 16 capacity development actions. In the second phase (2024-2027), EUDiF continues to provide capacity development to public institutions, whilst introducing grants for diaspora organisations, as well as providing practice exchange and learning opportunities to both.
All partnerships are demand-driven, co-developed and sustainably designed. They centre the added-value of diaspora engagement for development, including through use of diaspora expertise.
With public institutions
- Public institutions in partner countries and regional organisations are invited to apply for capacity development support. Our first call for proposals is open until 15 October 2024.
- Capacity development support provided by EUDiF is demand-driven, small-scale and strictly skills and knowledge-oriented.
- EUDiF does not provide: grants/subsidy, soft and hard equipment, infrastructure, permanent/regular staff costs.
With diaspora organisations
- A grant for diaspora organisations will be launched in late 2024.
- Information on the application and evaluation procedure will be shared on the website.
- In addition, a course on project design will be piloted in November 2024, with additional training resources to be made available in the course of 2025.