News • Africa
New course on diaspora engagement in economic diplomacy
July 26, 2024
Between July 15-19, 2024, EUDiF delivered the training “Economic diplomacy and the role of diaspora”, hosted in Tunisia under the...
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Diaspora youth recommendations on integrating youth in migration policy processes
July 15, 2024
On World Youth Skills Day, we are pleased to publish recommendations from diaspora youth on how to integrate youth perspectives...
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Team memories from EUDiF’s first phase
July 5, 2024
Diaspora engagement is all about people and the relations between those in the diaspora and those in government. Likewise, a project is driven by the people behind the logo...
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Celebrating 5 years – our story so far 
June 19, 2024
June 2024 sees five years of the EU Global Diaspora Facility and the start of a second phase. What started...
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Global mapping update: 10 new countries and much more
May 29, 2024
Each year we update the global mapping of diaspora engagement conducted in 2019-20. The latest update, with information from 2023...
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Blog • Africa
Event takeaways: Rabat Process meeting on the role of entrepreneurship and diaspora engagement
May 23, 2024
On 15-16 May 2024 the Rabat Process, which is the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development, hosted a thematic meeting...
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