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Transferring knowledge on climate change and circular economy from the Mexican diaspora

RGMX-UK, the main beneficiary of the action, is the UK chapter of the Mexican Talent Network, and was created in 2010 by members of the Mexican diaspora living in the UK and with close links to academia. 

In line with its global priorities, RGMX-UK wants to continue contributing to the SDGs by engaging the academic diaspora in concrete actions for Mexico’s development. To do so, they require capacity development to systematise diaspora knowledge transfer to bolster the development work of civil society organisations in Mexico. RGMX-UK has decided to pilot a system to do this whilst supporting the objectives of SDG 13.3 (Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning).

This action will create a pilot scheme to test how to complement government efforts via knowledge transfer from the diaspora and academia. In order to achieve a greater reach and impact, RGMX-UK seeks to strengthen interactions within the Red Global MX network system including by expanding its membership base.

Create a structured scheme of knowledge generation and transfer between academic diaspora and Mexico and pilot it in climate change and circular economy education.  
Key documents

Programme of activities

EUDiF will assist RGMX-UK in structuring technical knowledge transfer between Mexico and Europe with diaspora academics as catalysts. To achieve this the following activities are being undertaken:

Enhancement of database and diaspora network expansion
Jun 22: Needs assessment

Communications expert Magdalena Mactas conducted an evaluation of RGMX-UK’s existing database of academia to identify gaps and the specific networking needs of the organisation.

Jul 22: Methodology

Based on the findings of the needs assessment, the expert developed a a methodology to expand and strengthen RGMX-UK’s network of academics.

Aug 22: Training the RGMX-UK team

Three sessions were delivered by the expert Magdalena Mactas to train RGMX-UK executive board members on the new methodology and pilot it to identify Mexican diaspora academics and scientists for the co-creation events for the drafting of the toolkit on citizen climate change action.

Co-development of toolkit for citizen education on climate change and circular economy
Jun 22: Need assessment

Mexican diaspora professional and expert in sustainable education, Dr. Kristy Peña, conducted an assessment of needs and capacities of RGMX-UK and the nodes (Mexican CSOs in the RGMX network) that will be involved in the design of the toolkit on climate change action toolkit.

Jan-Feb 23: Online consultation

A first draft of the toolkit on citizen climate change and circular economy education was shared online with Mexican diaspora academics and scientists for feedback.

Mar 23: Co-creation workshops

In person co-creation workshops were organised in London with the assistance of Dr Kristy Peña to consolidate the final version of the toolkit.

Sep 23: Launch and dissemination events

A launch was organised in Mexico to launch and disseminate the toolkit, as well as to promote the work of RGMX-UK and build bridges between academic diaspora and CSOs in Mexico.

“EUDiF's Capacity Development Laboratory (CDL) takes us on a journey towards our "zone of proximal learning and development": the distance between what we are capable of doing without help, and what we can do with the support of selected experts on the issues we want to improve in our organization.”
Oscar Alvarez – BW
Oscar Alvarez
External Alliances Lead of RGMX-UK


News • LAC
Working with Mexican diaspora academics to accelerate climate change and circular economy education
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News • LAC
Action insights: The co-creation journey behind RGMX-UK’s innovative climate action toolkit
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Toolkit: List of Personal Actions for the Circular Economy
Read more

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