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Capacity development of diaspora to leverage funds for African SMEs

To develop the capacity of diaspora investors to raise and invest funds and financially support SMEs in target countries through offering skills, mentoring support and trainings in crowd-funding and crowd-lending
12 months
Key documents

Programme of activities

This action is the beginning of AFFORD's work with diaspora investors, therefore the activities are essential to build a strong foundation for the sustainability of the programme. Activities include careful formation of the methodology as this will dictate the outreach strategy, research approach, target audiences and development of the overall action delivery. A great deal of attention is also being paid to monitoring and evaluation as this will inform further iterations of the programme.

Desk research
Nov 22 - Feb 23: Desk research

A diaspora research expert and marketing expert conduct research to compare existing investment mechanisms; identify target beneficiaries and their communication channels; and establish selection criteria.

Jan 23 - Mar 23: Target countries research

The research expert will identify the particularities of crowd-funding and crowd-lending in each target country. The information will feed into the development of the curriculum and training tools for the diaspora investors.

Crowd-investment training
Jan - Apr 23: Curriculum development

As crowd-lending expert, AFFORD works with a crowd-funding expert to develop the training content and tools on crowd-investing, and become a training team.

Apr 22: Training of trainers for mentors

The training team will train experienced diaspora investors on crowd-investing techniques. This will lead to a pool of skilled trainers able to cascade the knowledge to diaspora investor communities.

May 22: Diaspora investor training

The training team will train 25 diaspora investors connected to diaspora communities in their respective countries in Europe. The training will take place online.

May 22: Beneficiary investee training

The training team will visit two of the target countries, Benin and Ghana, to train potential recipients of crowd investment campaigns. The training will enable them to understand how different mechanisms work and what role they play in attaining successful campaign outcomes.

Jun - Aug 23: Pilot crowd-investing campaign

To put the training into practice, 10 of the investors trained will receive mentoring support in order to carry out a crowd-funding or crowd-lending campaign linked to entrepreneurs in one of the target countries.

Evaluation and learning
Apr - Jun 23:

The research expert will monitor the outcome and responses to the content, tools and training. On completion of the training components, the expert will evaluate the programme and provide recommendations for further development.

Jun - Aug 23:

With support from EUDiF, AFFORD will evaluate the overall action and identify recommendations and lessons learnt.

Aug 23: Finalisation and validation

The relevant experts will adjust the tools according to the feedback and comments received throughout the action. All partners shall receive the finalised documents and participate in a validation meeting.


News • Africa
New action: Diaspora crowdfunding & crowdlending for West Africa
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