If you are...

A diaspora organisation

EUDiF would like to help you to promote your work through the website, to engage in peer exchanges, to widen your network at national, regional and international level, and to communicate with the EU institutions.

Read the diaspora consultation reports, explore through our publications and blogs and find out what we have learned about diaspora organisations so far.

Email us at to set up an exchange and talk about opportunities to collaborate and promote the work you do.

Register your interest to join the 2023 Future Forum to exchange, connect and share your work with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem.

A researcher on migration and development

Register your interest to join the 2023 Future Forum to exchange, connect and share your work with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem.

A country of origin

Check out our global interactive map on diaspora engagement. Get to know the regional and national panorama of diaspora engagement through our regional overviews and our more than 100 country factsheets.

Email  to tell us about your diaspora-development plans and explore collaboration opportunities.

Register your interest to join the 2023 Future Forum to exchange, connect and share your work with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem.

An EU member state or development agency

Contact us via to join our biannual coordination meetings, or to exchange directly on what you do as a host country and what you are interested in learning or sharing to do it better.

Register your interest to join the 2023 Future Forum to exchange, connect and share your work with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem.

A civil society organisation or NGO
A private sector organisation

Contact us via for an exchange on lessons-learnt, synergies and collaboration opportunities. Check out our multi-thematic library and blogs to find out more about the work we have done and what we have learned about diaspora engagement.

An international or regional organisation

Check out our global interactive map on diaspora engagement. Get to know the regional and national panorama of diaspora engagement through our regional overviews and our more than 100 country factsheets.

Email  to tell us about your diaspora-development plans and explore collaboration opportunities.

Register your interest to join the 2023 Future Forum to exchange, connect and share your work with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem.

Diaspora youth in Europe

Apply for our diaspora youth internship! This is an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the implementation of an EU-funded project on diaspora engagement. The vacancy is published via the ICMPD website and promoted on EUDiF’s social media and website.

If you are member of a diaspora youth organisation in Europe, contact us via to explore collaboration opportunities and engage with our Diaspora Youth Community.

Register your interest to join the 2023 Future Forum to exchange, connect and share your work with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem.

Expert roster

We are building a community of experts who are interested in contributing to an impactful diaspora-development ecosystem. Currently, the expert roster is open to two categories of experts/professionals who can support EUDiF activities under the Capacity Development Lab and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development mechanism. Experts in the roster may also be invited to join events, in line with their area of expertise. All assignments under CDL and DP4D are paid fairly; the roster is not used for voluntary assignments.

The expert roster is open for registrations for the duration of the EUDiF project (until the end of 2022), although we encourage anyone interested to register as soon as possible to increase the chance to participate in our activities.

Who can register?

Diaspora professional

Currently we are recruiting diaspora professionals with at least five years in one of our five key development sectors: digitalisation, education, environment, entrepreneurship and health. You must be interested in sharing your sectoral knowledge with your country of heritage.

To qualify as a diaspora professional you must be an emigrant or descendant of emigrants from a partner country in one of our target regions: Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & the Caribbean, Middle East Pacific. You must reside in Europe (EU27, UK, Switzerland or Norway) or in another partner country.

Once your registration to the roster is approved, you will be eligible for assignment on projects under the Diaspora Professionals 4 Development (DP4D) mechanism, if your country of heritage applies for support in your domain. We encourage diaspora professionals to share information about the support available via DP4D with contacts in the country of heritage.

Diaspora engagement expert

To qualify as a diaspora engagement expert you must have at least 10 years of experience in diaspora matters and demonstrable experience in capacity development at national and international level, as well as experience working with diaspora organisations and governments.

Once your registration is approved, you will be eligible to support Capacity Development Lab activities.

Full call

Diaspora youth internship

We believe strongly in the dynamism of youth actors in development, and the importance of mainstreaming diaspora expertise. Our internship is an opportunity for young diasporans based in Europe and with heritage in our partner regions to gain experience in an international organisation working on migration and development.

Twice a year, we welcome interns to join the team for five months, to gain hands-on experience in the implementation of an EU-funded project on diaspora engagement and to grow and share their own interest and knowledge of diaspora for development. Vacancies are published on the EUDiF and ICMPD websites and promoted via social media.

We currently have no openings.

Mohammed Ameen Arimbra
September 2020 - January 2021
Maria Regina Tongson
March 2021 - August 2021
Naomi Wumba Bisengo
March 2021 - August 2021
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Daria Ruban
September 2021 - January 2022
Oumou Diallo
September 2021 - January 2022
Anne Beatrice Cinco
March 2022 – August 2022
Savannah Schuurbiers
March 2022 – August 2022
Agustín Searle Vial
March 2020 - July 2020
Carolina de Aguiar Lopes
January 2023 - June 2023
Rodrice Kingue
June - November 2023

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