CDL & DP4D open for business!
October 6, 2020
We are pleased to announce that calls are now open for our Capacity Development Lab and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development!...
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Expert roster launch
August 14, 2020
As part of our efforts to mainstream diaspora-engagement and the expertise of diaspora in development, we are delighted to launch...
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News • LAC
Catch up on our ‘Zoom out’ on global diaspora engagement
July 30, 2020
On 7 July we hosted an online discussion between the research team who produced the first 50 fact sheets in...
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Year one reflections
July 27, 2020
Oleg Chirita, Head of Programme Global Initiatives, reflects on EUDiF’s first year of implementation and what the next 12 months...
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Blog • Pacific
Preserving Pacific cultural heritage: a triangle of diaspora engagement
July 16, 2020
As Kiribati Language Week 2020 draws to a close, EUDiF’s Alexandre Porteret reflects on the importance of cultural preservation for diaspora engagement in the Pacific.
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News • Europe
Diaspora consultation: Western Europe
July 15, 2020
On 29-30 April and 4-5 May 2020, EUDiF held its second diaspora consultation split into two language editions with diaspora...
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