News • Africa
Enquête pour mieux connaître la diaspora malgache
June 3, 2022
Dans le cadre de notre action Professionnels issus de la Diaspora pour le Développement (DP4D) à Madagascar, nous lançons une...
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Future Forum 2022: Diaspora Youth Rapporteur recap
May 20, 2022
One week ago, we held the second edition of the Future Forum. This time we explored the theme of human...
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Future Forum: Centring diaspora human capital
May 10, 2022
Over the next two days, the second European Union Global Diaspora Facility Future Forum takes place. This year we focus on...
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News • Africa
Event takeaways: Africa regional roundtable
May 10, 2022
On 12 April 2022, we hosted a government roundtable for African partner countries, in cooperation with the African Union Citizens...
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Diaspora Youth Rapporteurs at the Future Forum
May 2, 2022
With the second edition of the Future Forum less than two weeks away, we are excited to share more about...
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Event takeaways: Migration & the green economy
April 29, 2022
What are the links between the green transition and human mobility, and how can institutions and policymakers strengthen diaspora engagement...
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