We are pleased to announce that calls are now open for our Capacity Development Lab and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development!
These two new pilot mechanisms are part of our efforts to enhance diaspora engagement and promote diaspora human capital for development of countries of heritage. Read on for an introduction to each mechanism, who can apply and how.
Capacity Development Lab
Via the CDL we will support actions that enhance diaspora-engagement capacities by empowering diaspora organisations in Europe, supporting partner countries to enhance enabling environments, and facilitating multi-stakeholder partnerships.
National and local authorities of partner countries are invited to apply to the CDL, as well as diaspora organisations based in the EU 27, Norway or Switzerland, and regional organisations. Joint applications are particularly encouraged, and academia, civil society or the private sector are also welcome as application partners. Full information is available in the application guidelines, including a practice application form.
Diaspora Professionals 4 Development
DP4D is our human capital transfer mechanism. It is a small-scale pilot through which we organise short-term assignments (online and/or in person) for professionals from diaspora to support their countries of heritage, according to needs identified by central or local authorities.
We welcome requests for diaspora support from central and local authorities in partner countries, as well as from regional organisations. Full information is available in the request guidelines, including a practice request form.
EUDiF is accepting applications for the CDL and requests for DP4D until 16 November 2020. Thereafter a selection process will take place and activities under each mechanisms should begin from early 2021. Full details on the application process and selection criteria are available in the guidelines in Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Russian. We accept applications and requests in any of these five languages.
We look forward to receiving your applications for the CDL and requests for DP4D. Contact eu-diaspora@icmpd.org with any questions.