*Updated 17.06* After our first round of calls in autumn 2020 and the recent launch of our first actions, EUDiF is happy to once again welcome applications to our Capacity Development Lab (CDL) and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development (DP4D) mechanism.
CDL and DP4D are central to our efforts to enhancing collaboration and engagement between diaspora organisations in Europe, partner countries and the EU. We provide small-scale, tailored technical assistance and support our beneficiaries throughout application and implementation, while ensuring their full ownership of the action.
In autumn 2020 we opened our first call for applications and were impressed by the quality and diversity of the proposals. The first actions have now started and today we open the call for a second round of innovative ideas in diaspora engagement and development.
If you represent a diaspora organisation in Europe (EU27, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom), a partner country (local or central authorities in Africa; Asia; Latin America and the Caribbean; Middle East, Eastern Europe & Central Asia; and the Pacific) or a regional organisation, these opportunities are for you! Below you will find full details on the CDL and DP4D and examples of our first actions to inspire your own application. The deadline to apply is 16 July 23:59 CEST. We accept applications in Arabic, English, French, Spanish and Russian.
Application process
The call is open for six weeks, during which period we encourage you to scope your idea, liaise with potential partners and prepare your application according to the instructions in our comprehensive guidelines. If you have any questions about the application process, you can contact the EUDiF team, or attend the Town Hall meeting on 22 June as part of the Future Forum.
After submission closes, we at EUDiF work with internal and external stakeholders, including the European Commission, to assess each application according to quality, coherence and impact.
Successful applicants will be informed via email in the course of October 2021, with implementation planned as of January 2022.
Capacity Development Lab
Through the CDL, we work with diaspora organisations and networks based in the EU 27, Norway, Switzerland and the UK, public institutions and regional organisations to empower them with the skills, tools and knowledge they need to lead effective initiatives for the development in their countries of heritage.
Applications to the CDL can be made with a partner from the private sector, civil society or academia.
Read the full CDL guidelines and practice your application here.
For an idea of what it is like to develop your organisational capacities with CDL support, check out the first action through which we work with the Lebanese diaspora in France on the development of the tech sector in Lebanon.
Diaspora Professionals 4 Development
Our DP4D mechanism facilitates short-term knowledge and skills transfer between diaspora professionals and public institutions from partner countries or regional organisations. This pilot mechanism aims to make the most of the know-how and enthusiasm of professionals from diaspora of our partner countries who are willing to share their skills and experience in development projects in their country of heritage. We recognise the value of cultural knowledge, language skills and access to local networks that can enhance impact and sustainability of interventions. Currently DP4D focuses on five priority sectors: digitalisation, education, entrepreneurship, environment, and health.
Institutions or organisations requesting DP4D can identify diaspora professionals that they would like to engage with and jointly prepare an application. EUDiF also offers a roster of diaspora professionals and experts and can assist in identifying the right individual or team for the action.
Read the full guidelines and practice your application here.
For a working example, check out the first DP4D action via which a museum in Moldova is working with two diaspora professionals in Sweden to promote heritage tourism in the country.
Got questions?
Join us for a town hall during our EUDiF Future Forum , happening on 22 to 24 June! We will host an interactive session on 22 June at 13h30 – 15h00 CEST during which we will run you through the guidelines and application forms for both CDL and DP4D, as well as answer questions from the audience. A few of our current beneficiaries and partners will also be there to share their application journey, so make sure not to miss out!
We look forward to receiving your applications for the CDL and requests for DP4D! Do not hesitate to reach out to us at EU-diaspora@icmpd.org.