CF update cover
News • Global
November 3, 2021
Updates galore: factsheets, maps & regional pages

The global mapping on diaspora engagement has had a 2021 makeover! All 108 factsheets – as well as our global map – have been refreshed with the latest statistics and development in diaspora policy and practice. On top of that we have added six regional subpages to the website so that you can access and compare information on diaspora engagement from a national, regional and global perspective!

The global update

Researching 108 countries in terms of policies, practices and priorities was a major step to establish both the backbone of our project and the global state of play in diaspora engagement. It remains one of the milestones of the project.

The research was performed with a team of regional experts over the course of a few months and was initially published when the EUDiF website launched in May 2020. Since then, we have used the results to inform our dialogues and technical support activities. But diaspora engagement is anything but static and we always planned to update the global mapping throughout the project.

The first complete update of all 108 factsheets took place September-October 2021 and the latest versions can now be downloaded from our library. The update includes current statistics on emigration and remittances, as well as newly published diaspora policies in a few countries. All updates have been mirrored on the interactive map, which you can use to compare and contrast different countries, or use the filters to explore comparable data at global level.

Regional pages

To complement the world map, we have developed six new regional pages. These pages are based on the overviews prepared for the regional dialogue series we ran March – June 2021, which enabled us to examine regional trends, identify pioneering countries and develop recommendations tailored to different players in each region.

The regional pages are living spaces to which we can add new information and resources in order to connect the dots on trends within and between regions. Explore what is happening in each region:

Community feedback

The mapping on diaspora engagement has a major role in the design of EUDiF initiatives, from dialogues to the Capacity Development Lab and beyond, but its most important role is to fill a gap in fragmented, quickly-dated knowledge of what is happening in terms of diaspora engagement around the world. To keep it as useful as possible for all in the diaspora-development ecosystem, we need the support of the community. Please keep sending us information on policies, institutions, projects and diaspora organisations – all this information is integrated in ongoing EUDiF activities and saved for incorporation in future updates of the mapping. Thank you to those who sent us data which has been included in this first update, you are a key part of keeping this knowledge hub alive!

Do you have an idea on how to improve our diaspora knowledge hub? Get in touch via

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