New date_Webinar youth heritage tourism
June 6, 2022
Research results discussion “Youth entrepreneurship & heritage tourism” – 7 September

NEW DATE: On 7 September, join us to discuss the results of our research with University of Winchester. We will discuss how entrepreneurship in the heritage tourism sector influence youth diaspora identity and long-term engagement. There will be a special focus on concrete diaspora-engagement action, based on the case studies in Barbados, Brazil and Rwanda.

Whilst you wait for the webinar, we invite you to read the abridged version of the report, available here.

Diaspora youth as actors & consumers of heritage tourism “products”

Cultural tourism – including heritage tourism – is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the global tourism market. Accounting for an estimated 40-50% of tourism activities, cultural tourism makes significant direct contributions to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment. A major pillar of employment globally, the tourism sector as a whole is estimated by the World Travel and Tourism Council to contribute 330 million jobs – one in ten jobs around the world. According to UNESCO (2021), cultural tourism alone accounts for a significant share of this employment, with the number of jobs indirectly supported across several cultural/educational domains and economic sectors including service and hospitality estimated to be much larger (UNWTO 2018). Although it is difficult to quantify the exact impact of heritage tourism, as it cannot easily be separated from wider tourism trends, multiplier effects means that tourism is increasingly thought of as a panacea for sustainable development, thus making it a leading priority for the majority of countries around the world (UNWTO 2018).

Several stakeholders have vital roles to play to support innovation, investment and entrepreneurship in the heritage tourism sector. Diaspora youth can be one of them, acting either as consumers but also as heritage tourism entrepreneurs. In the past year, EUDiF has undertaken a research project with the University of Winchester to explore this potential and better grasp how heritage tourism can influence the strength of the links between young diasporas and their homeland.

The case study was launched during the Future Forum 2021, on the day dedicated to mainstreaming youth diaspora engagement around the world.

Discussing the exploratory research & results

On 7 September, the researchers will discuss how the case study has enabled them to delve into the varied ways in which youth diasporas engage in heritage tourism, with examples taken from three countries: Barbados, Brazil and Rwanda. 

The webinar is open to all. It will take place at 15:00-16:30 (CEST) via Zoom, in English.


  • Dr Jen Dickinson, University of Winchester
  • Louise Haxthausen, UNESCO
  • Miguel Pena, young freelance heritage professional from Barbados  
  • Maurice Mugabowagahunde, Executive Director of Research and Policy Development, Ministry of National Unity and Civic Engagement (Rwanda).


  • Professor Niall Finneran, University of Winchester
  • Joyce Sarpong, AfricaOracle

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