Diaspora voices • Asia
Food for thought – Jessica on reconnecting with Malaysia through its cuisine
July 18, 2023
In this think piece, Diaspora Youth Intern Jessica reflects on her personal journey of reconnecting with her Malaysian heritage through...
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Spotlight on Sudan
June 30, 2023
In 2020, EUDiF commissioned a multi-country case study, Diaspora engagement in time of crisis, from research partner, Shabaka. Two years...
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News • LAC
Action insights: Similarities facilitate peer learning in the Caribbean
June 29, 2023
As part of the action to support the Diaspora Unit of Guyana, we ran a peer exchange with the governments...
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A sneak peek of the Future Forum audience
June 23, 2023
While the Future Forum is still months away, our preparations are already in full swing! The EUDiF team is hard...
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Diaspora voices
Between words and worlds: Introducing our new intern Rodrice Kingue
June 21, 2023
In June 2023, we welcomed the newest member of the EUDiF team: for the next six months Rodrice Thomas Kingue...
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Diaspora voices • Asia
Julie Amoroso-Garbin on proposal writing and accessing climate change funding at local level
June 12, 2023
In April, we returned to Puerto Princesa, Palawan to work with 24 Local Government Units (LGUs) and the Palawan Council...
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