Cairo night skyline.
August 1, 2023
New survey on investment for Egyptian expatriates

Under the Capacity Development Lab action with the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones in Egypt (GAFI), we are launching a survey targeting Egyptian expatriates in Europe. 

In Egypt, GAFI has been working on attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for a long time. In an exciting recent development for leveraging diaspora engagement for Egypt’s economic development, in 2020 GAFI launched a unit dedicated to expatriate investment. Better understanding the diaspora will allow GAFI to tailor communication and outreach and potentially create adapted products catering to the different segments of the expatriate community. EUDiF has been working with GAFI since 2021 to support the new unit in exploring the different diaspora investment mechanisms, and in creating a roadmap and communication plan to attract expatriate investment.

The action with GAFI to support their institutional development to attract investment sustainably into Egypt is almost finished. Our last activity seeks to better understand the investment experience and preferences of Egyptian expatriates, as well as to identify potential investors for GAFI to contact. To achieve this, we have partnered with the Egyptians’ Professionals Network which has a unique community of Egyptians professionals in Europe and around the globe. Working with an established network is a great way for EUDiF and its institutional partners to guarantee the survey and communication materials are properly tailored to the target audience, and to leverage existing networks rather than starting from scratch, increasing the likelihood of response so that we can glean as much information with limited time and resources.

Together with EPN, we have designed a short survey to share with Egyptian expatriates. The results of this survey will feed into the roadmap for GAFI’s Expatriates unit, being prepared with investment consultants DMA Global. The roadmap will set out recommendations and next steps for GAFI to better attract expatriate investment in support of national development.

Are you an Egyptian expatriate in Europe and interested in investing in Egypt? Let us know your thoughts, and do spread the word! Your experience and perspective can help attract investment, create more jobs and contribute to Egypt’s economic development…

Note: The survey takes three minutes to fill. It is anonymous and confidential. If you wish to be contacted by GAFI, you have the opportunity to include your name and contact details.

For any questions, can contact the data collection team at

More information about the action can be found on the action page.

Cover photo by Sean Wang via Unsplash

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