August 7, 2023
Introducing the finalists of the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition

With just two and a half months until the Future Forum, we are delighted to announce the finalists of the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition.

At the third edition of the Future forum, through the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition, EUDiF strives to showcase the value of youth diaspora’s ideas and provide them with a platform to share their voices and ideas with development policy-makers and practitioners from around the world. The competition puts the spotlight on diaspora youth-led organisations in Europe, a group which continues to show how creativity and drive can innovate partnerships for migration and development.  We would like to thank all those who showed interest in the competition and/or submitted an entry. 

After a careful eligibility review and selection process, we are thrilled to announce that on 17 October, three diaspora youth organisations will compete for prizes of up to €3000. The finalists’ ideas revolve around SDG 4: Quality Education and/or SDG 13: Climate Action through various diaspora-centered approaches. The entries are a testament to the creativity of diaspora youth, as well as their ability to respond to the world’s most pressing challenges in culturally sensitive ways.

The finalists

1.2 Diaries – Diaspora Climate Platform

1.2 Diaries is a platform for diaspora and African youth to learn about and engage in climate action and climate policy discourse. It aims to amplify the ideas, expertise and lived experiences of people on the frontlines of the climate crisis and carve a bigger stake for African voices in climate policy discourse.


#DiasporaVote! is a citizens’ initiative to support greater representation and inclusion of racialised communities in politics and voting. They support members of the diaspora in bringing the voices of their local communities to the tables of high-level decision makers of EU policies.

Stowarzyszenie “Danaker”

Danaker is a diaspora association that promotes the integration and development of Kyrgyz women in Poland. Their work spans integration activities to facilitate Kyrgyz women communities’ smooth transition into Polish society, celebration of the cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan, and women empowerment.

In the run up to the Future Forum, the three finalists receive mentoring from the EUDiF team to help refine their ideas and prepare their pitches for the big day. Stay tuned for more updates as we follow their journey to the Future Forum!

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