Youth rapporteurs news
May 2, 2022
Diaspora Youth Rapporteurs at the Future Forum

With the second edition of the Future Forum less than two weeks away, we are excited to share more about the youth rapporteurs who will follow the conference from a youth perspective!

In the European Union, young people make up one-sixth of the population. To invest in Europe’s future is, therefore, to invest in Europe’s youth. Embracing this wholeheartedly, the EU has declared 2022 the European Year of Youth: a year to engage, empower, and connect young people across Europe to be active citizens and actors of change. 

At EUDiF, we are inspired by the same logic. We see that sustainable social impact can only be achieved by fully involving all young people, including those in the diaspora, as they play a pivotal role in fostering intercultural dialogue, encouraging collective action, and promoting social cohesion. This is why we strive to shine a light on the importance of youth across the spectrum of sustainable development and explore how young diasporans can be included in policy dialogue and development discussions.

Diaspora youth represent unique cultural, economic, and political bridges between host and homeland societies and are clear in their desire to lead the discussions on challenges, including climate change, employment, and equality.

At EUDiF, we see the added value young diasporans bring when they have a seat at the table for policymaking and project design and implementation. Our Diaspora Youth Internship is created with this at its heart, and contributions from our eight interns so far have enriched the project enormously (see some of their work linked below). That’s why we are very pleased to make their contributions more visible at this year’s conference.

On 11-12 May, six youth rapporteurs will take the virtual stage. The group comprises current and former interns with roots in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and will be introduced in the opening session. Throughout the conference,  the rapporteurs will act as ‘active listeners’ for opportunities, challenges and key points for young people both in the diaspora and in their regions of heritage. 

The rapporteurs will share their immediate impressions on Twitter (@diaspora4devEU) and wrap up the conference by presenting their highlights to the European Commission and ICMPD. The rapporteurs will also share more detailed reflections in the conference report.

Meet the rapporteurs…

Agustín Searle Vial (September 2020 – January 2021)

Agustín comes from Chile, where he studied law there before moving to the UK for a Master’s degree in International Relations, during which his research focused on his passion: migration diplomacy in his region of heritage, Latin America. Agustín joined ICMPD as EUDiF’s first Diaspora Youth Intern and remains with the team to this day, currently working as Associate Project Officer.

Maria Regina “Gia” Tongson (March 2021  – August 2021)

Born and raised in the Philippines, now based in France, Gia is graduating from Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs with a Master in International Development, with a focus on Methods and Global Risks. Gia is a young development professional with experience in multiple sectors, but is most passionate about the links between migration, education and decent work. She is currently working on human capital development and skills issues in Southeast Asia, conducting policy research on opportunities to improve the development and use of skills among key groups in the region, including migrant workers and the diaspora.                                                                     

Naomi Wumba Bisengo  (March 2021  – August 2021)

Born and raised in Germany, Naomi is currently doing her Master’s in economics & strategy in emerging markets at the University of Maastricht. Her Congolese background motivated her passion for development issues in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in developing countries more generally. Naomi is an active member in two diaspora youth organisations that aim to promote the Congolese culture, as well as to participate to the development of the country. On top of all this, Naomi has recently embarked on a new entrepreneurial project: an app for people with curly and Afro hair to find specialist hairdressers.

Oumou Diallo (September 2021 – January 2022)

Based in Italy and from Guinean origins, Oumou is a young professional with a background in Politics and International Relations. She first started as a Diaspora Youth Intern at EUDiF in September 2021 and later joined the team as a Junior Expert. Oumou is interested in all aspects of migration, from refugees’ rights to questions relating to the diaspora. She aspires to use her skills and experience in the African continent to support sustainable and inclusive development driven by Africa and its diaspora. 

Anne Beatrice “Bea” Cinco (March 2022 – August 2022)

Currently completing her double Master’s in South European Studies at the University of Glasgow and International Relations at Aix-Marseille Université, Bea hails from the Philippines and is based in Paris. Labour migration is her main research interest, particularly the deskilling of migrant professionals and the protection and formalisation of migrants working in the informal economy. As well as her studies and internship, Bea volunteers for a grassroots NGO working with vulnerable populations. 

Savannah Schuurbiers (March 2022 – August 2022)

Born in Venezuela, raised in Curaçao, Savannah graduated in December 2021 from United Nations University-MERIT with a double Master’s in Public Policy and Human Development and a specialisation in Social Protection. Savannah is passionate about achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly poverty eradication and reduced inequalities, through social protection policies and incorporating young people and the diaspora at the centre of development discussions.

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