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Somali Diaspora Engagement Programmes in Denmark and Sweden

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The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has implemented a diaspora programme since 2012 working with Somali and Afghani diaspora in Denmark to facilitate, support and enhance the role of diaspora as agents of humanitarian assistance and development in their countries of origin. The Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) finances two programmes catering to the large Somali diaspora in Sweden, making it possible for Swedish Somalis to contribute to the reconstruction of their country. In partnership with the International Organisation for Migration, they support diaspora graduates to return to Somalia to work in ministries and government departments, both at the federal level as well as in Somaliland and Puntland. SIDA also runs a small grants scheme to support Somali diaspora groups in Sweden to deliver development activities in Somalia.


  • Humanitarian aid
  • Local development
  • Return and reintegration
  • Skills transfer
  • Employment
  • Finance

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