We believe in


Co-design & tailored approaches

Each action is designed in close collaboration with partners and - as much as possible - diaspora experts are involved in implementation.


Flexibility & sustainability

Sustainability strategies are developed for each action to ensure that the short-term intervention plugs into existing operations in a way that will continue.


Partnerships & practices

Building on existing practices and partnerships creates a jump-start for EUDiF-supported actions, we design actions to "plug in" to existing initiatives to maximise the impact of each collaboration.


Diaspora & youth expertise

"Nothing about, without" is the mantra at the heart of all activities. Diaspora voices and expertise are central, and we place great importance on including youth in dialogue, research and capacity development.

Who we work with

Diaspora professionals

Do you count yourself as diaspora and have a specific skillset you would like to use to support the development of your country of heritage? Contact us via to discuss forthcoming opportunities.

Diaspora youth

Are you a young person in the diaspora and looking for an early career experience in an international organisation, and working on migration and development? Email to learn about internship opportunities. Check out our intern and alumni profiles and articles they have written for a flavour of the work.

Diaspora organisations in Europe

If you’re a diaspora organisation based in Europe and running development projects in your country of heritage, you could be eligible for support in phase II. Email to join our mailing list.

Countries of heritage

We work with central and local authorities of EU partner countries which wish to leverage the potential of diaspora engagement for development. Interested to learn more? email

EU & Member States

Do you support diaspora organisations based in your country? In 2024 we will map practices from across the EU to facilitate learning. Please share your experience via

International organisations

Do you also work on diaspora engagement? Are you keen to collaborate? Let us know via

Private sector

Diaspora engagement and the private sector are intrinsically linked. Want to know more? Contact us via


Have you read our publications and want to know more, or are you planning your own diaspora-related research? We would love to hear from you, email

Our Services


Knowledge & learning resources

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Capacity development

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Awareness raising


Dialogue & exchange


Expert identification


Strategic advice

Why diaspora engagement?

Diasporas have long been acknowledged as actors for development thanks to their unique transnational understanding, mobility and connection with their country of heritage. However, until now dialogue and collaboration between diaspora organisations, countries of origin, the EU and its Member States has been fragmented, often focusing on bilateral cooperation.

EUDiF has been created by the European Union in response to calls from diaspora for a coordinated, formalised way to contribute to development dialogue at European level and in recognition of the active contribution many diaspora communities make to development. This interest is mirrored by the growing number of countries of origin wishing to better engage their diaspora for development.

Through the EUDiF, we work to consolidate ongoing efforts and maximise the potential of diaspora for development.

Global and EU diaspora engagement for development


World Bank first report underlining the importance of remittances

The World Bank’s World Development Report 2003 stressed the importance of remittances as a large and steady source of external funding. This report attracted the interest of many governments that lead the G–8 Heads of States, to call on the World Bank to steer efforts to improve data on remittance flows.


European Commission’s first comprehensive approach to migration and development

In the European Commission Communication “Migration and Development: Some concrete orientations” diaspora groups were officially recognised as agents of development in their home countries.


The first-ever high-level dialogue on international migration and development organised by the United Nations General Assembly

Diaspora engagement was presented as a way to achieve a “triple win” for migration and development, and created the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD). Since then, the GFMD has played a key role in anchoring diaspora engagement in policy debates.

From 2011...

Emphasising the key role of diaspora for development & practical support

Strategic EU policy frameworks, including the 2011 Global Approach to Migration and Mobility and the 2015 European Agenda on Migration, consolidate principles on diaspora engagement for development. In parallel, the EU contributes to diaspora-government cooperation for development, from technical support to create diaspora policies to backing diaspora organisations and platforms.


2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provided new opportunities for diaspora involvement through a “whole-of-society” approach, calling for the inclusion of a broader variety of actors in development issues.


Adoption of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants

The 193 UN Member States recognized the need for a comprehensive approach to human mobility and enhanced cooperation at the global level. Annex II of the New York Declaration set in motion a process of intergovernmental consultations and negotiations towards the development of a Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), adopted in 2018.


Recognition of the contribution of diaspora to implement the SDGs

The New European Consensus on Development states that successful implementation of the SDGs requires stronger partnerships beyond governments, including with diaspora.


Going global…

Recognising the potential impact of diaspora-development on a global scale, EUDiF is created to consolidate existing knowledge and support all actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem to maximise this potential.


EU Pact on Migration adn Asylum

The new Pact for Asylum and Migration in the EU recognizes the importance of engaging with diaspora communities as key stakeholders in particular in the implementation of Talent Partnerships.


Samoa Agreement

The Africa protocol, title VI, includes further commitments on facilitating legal migration and mobility, encouraging diaspora investment and remittances, and supporting intra-African cooperation on migration.

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