News • Eastern Europe
Action insights: Diana & Laila discuss the end of the AGBU action & women empowerment in Armenia
December 21, 2022
Since May 2021, EUDiF has worked with the Armenian General Benevolent Union Europe (AGBU Europe) to empower women entrepreneurs in...
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News • LAC
Digitalisation & diaspora-engagement – Supporting twin processes in Guyana
December 13, 2022
Our first Caribbean action has begun with Guyana’s Diaspora Unit. We are supporting the unit to prepare for digitalisation of...
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Diaspora voices
Introducing our new intern Laila Tasmia and her fascination for the gender lens
December 2, 2022
In November 2022, Laila Tasmia joined EUDiF as the latest recruit to the Diaspora Youth Internship. Laila, who hails from...
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News • Africa
Closing our action and Madagascar’s diaspora data gap
November 25, 2022
Between 7 and 11 November, we held the final activity of our collaboration with Madagascar’s Directorate of Diaspora and Migration...
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Diaspora voices • Africa
Ayalew Kassahun on sharing his academic expertise in agri-business with Wollo University, Ethiopia
November 21, 2022
In September, we successfully completed the first phase of our DP4D action in Ethiopia, having learnt a lot about adapting...
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News • LAC
Action launch: Enhancing institutional capacities for diaspora engagement in Peru
November 3, 2022
We officially launched our CDL action with the Directorate of Assistance to Nationals (ASN) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
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