Diaspora voices • Asia
Diaspora voice: Denise Matias on Education for Sustainable Development at Palawan State University
March 16, 2023
In February, we successfully tested an updated curriculum on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. EUDiF’s Hala...
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Learning by doing – insights from the EUDiF portfolio
March 15, 2023
Since 2020 we have been offering technical support on diaspora engagement to local and central authorities from our partner countries,...
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Diaspora voices
Identity and the “in-between space” – welcoming Jessica Henrich
March 15, 2023
In March 2023, we welcomed the newest member of the EUDiF team: for the next five months Jessica Henrich joins...
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Diaspora voices
Connecting the dots: gender & diaspora engagement
March 8, 2023
On International Women’s Day, Diaspora Youth Intern Laila explores the intersection between gender and diaspora engagement. She discusses their intertwined...
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Diaspora voices • Africa
Elvina celebrates Ghana Independence Day
March 6, 2023
Elvina Quaison, EUDiF Diaspora Engagement Specialist, is just back from Ghana. Today, 6 March, her country of heritage celebrates its...
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News • Global
Webinar 16 March: Diaspora skills profiling – a new methodology
March 2, 2023
Join us on 16 March 14:30 (CET) to learn about the skills profiling methodology recently developed with the Directorate of...
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