News • Asia
Action insights: A multi-level partnership in the Philippines for environmental sustainability and climate adaptation
September 18, 2023
On August 24, we celebrated the end of our collaboration with the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development Staff and the...
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News • LAC
Action insights: The co-creation journey behind RGMX-UK’s innovative climate action toolkit
September 8, 2023
Our action with Mexican diaspora in Europe is bearing fruits with the creation of a climate action citizens’ toolkit. In...
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New research from ECONIDAS on diaspora engagement and socioeconomic growth in the Western Balkans
September 6, 2023
A fellow project run by ICMPD, the ECONIDAS study project, has developed a collection of country factsheets focused on engagement...
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Introducing the finalists of the Diaspora Youth Pitch Competition
August 7, 2023
With just two and a half months until the Future Forum, we are delighted to announce the finalists of the...
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New survey on investment for Egyptian expatriates
August 1, 2023
Under the Capacity Development Lab action with the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones in Egypt (GAFI), we are...
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Learning by doing: Success factors for capacity development
July 24, 2023
In the latest publication in our “Learning by doing” series, Diana Hincu reflects on the ingredients for successful capacity development...
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