News • Eastern Europe
CDL action update: Supporting women entrepreneurs in Armenia
July 9, 2021
As one of our first Capacity Development Lab initiatives, we are delighted to announce the immense progress we are making...
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News • Global
Future Forum flashback: Day 3 – youth drive
July 8, 2021
The final day of the Future Forum, 24 June, turned to future leaders: young people. The day touched on several...
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News • Global
Future Forum flashback: Day 2 – going green
July 7, 2021
Highlights from the second day of the Future Forum, on the potential of diaspora engagement for green transitions.
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News • Global
Future Forum flashback: Day 1
July 6, 2021
A quick look back at the first day of the Future Forum, looking at the future of the diaspora-development ecosystem.
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News • Global
*Deadline extended* Apply for CDL & DP4D by 29 August!
July 5, 2021
*Deadline extended* Our second and final call for applications to the Capacity Development Lab (CDL) and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development...
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Diaspora youth internship: 2 new openings
June 25, 2021
As part of our efforts to mainstream diaspora expertise in development, we run an intership programme, open specifically to self-identifying...
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