2022 CF update
July 11, 2022
Get involved in the annual global mapping update

With 109 country factsheets on diaspora engagement around the world, our global mapping is the cornerstone of the EUDiF project and a starting point for many learning about diaspora engagement. Each year we update the factsheets with new developments – and you can help!

Through 109 factsheets we cover a diverse range of countries from across our six partner regions, presenting their policies, practices and priorities on diaspora engagement. Each factsheet also has an annex of actors in government and diaspora organisations in Europe.

The global mapping serves a major role at EUDiF in the design of our initiatives – from dialogues, to more targeted research, to our technical support activities – but its most important role is to counter the fragmented and quickly-dated knowledge of what is happening around the world in terms of diaspora engagement. Historically, this has been a significant challenge and we are proud of addressing this with the open-access global mapping.

To ensure that the factsheets remain as useful as possible for the development community, each year we undertake an update. We review everything from the statistics on emigration and remittances, to newly published diaspora policies, interesting practices and any new actors on the scene. These updates are then mirrored on our interactive global map and regional pages.

How can you help?

Throughout the year, we record any developments in diaspora engagement that we come across through our activities. We supplement this with desk research, but our best resource is you!

  • Do you know of any changes in diaspora engagement in the countries we have covered so far?
  • Are there any relevant government institutions, or diaspora organisations that merit inclusion in the annex?

Let us know! Email: by 15 August with any information to include in the 2022 update.

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