News • Global
March 31, 2021
Event series: Middle East & Central Asia, 6 April

On Tuesday 6 April the second of our five-part regional thematic meetings will take place, covering the Middle East and Central Asia, with a focus on skills transfer.

As part of the regional thematic event series taking place from March to May 2021, on the 6 April 10:00-12:00 (CEST) we are hosting a public webinar for the Middle East and Central Asia. The theme of the event is skills transfer as a form of diaspora engagement.

We will kick off the event with a discussion of the key findings about diaspora engagement in the regions, based on EUDiF’s global mapping. Dr Olga R Gulina, founder and CEO of RUSMPI—Institute on Migration Policy, who was the lead researcher on Central Asia will join EUDiF’s Dr Fanny Tittel-Mosser to compare and contrast diaspora engagement policies and trends in the two regions.

After setting the scene, follows a panel discussion to discuss skills transfer as a form of diaspora engagement.

Skills transfer

Skills transfer is a key form of diaspora engagement with a long history and bright future in both the Middle East and Central Asia. Skills transfer policies and initiatives seek to capitalise on the knowledge and experience of skilled migrants for the economic and social development of the country of heritage.

During our global mapping, we identified 40 interesting skills transfer initiatives, 8 of which are based in the the Middle East and Central Asia.


  • Vartan Marashlyan, Co-founder and Executive director of Repat Armenia Foundation
  • Dr. Mansour El-Matbouli, Director of Division, University Clinic for Poultry and Fish Medicine, Clinical Unit of Fish Medicine, University Veterinary Medicine Vienna
  • Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Arif, Joint-Director, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)
  • Dr. Katja Petereit, Managing Director of AGI, the Germany Iraqi Management Training Academy

Before the event, you might be interested to read the regional overviews on diaspora engagement:

Other regions

The ME&CA event is one of five regions for which we are running run twinned thematic events between March and May 2021. For each region there is a public webinar themed according to the trends highlighted by our global mapping. The public event then feeds into a government stocktaking meeting that promotes peer-to-peer exchange on the theme and other shared regional interests.

This regional series, combined with the diaspora consultations we have organised across Europe, help us scale up the conversations on diaspora-engagement for development in advance of our first forum, which will be open to all those in Europe and our partner regions who are interested in diaspora and development.

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