Between November 2019 and March 2021 we organised a series of participatory diaspora consultations around Europe. Each consultation generated a series of recommendations, on how to improve diaspora-engagement for development and integration, addressed to different actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem. We have now consolidated the series of recommendations into one comprehensive list which will be presented during the upcoming EUDiF Future Forum. There is one last step to make the recommendations as representative as possible of diaspora interests: a vote on how to prioritise them.
We invite all diaspora individuals and organisations based in Europe with an interest in enhancing diaspora engagement for sustainable development (including as actors of development in countries of heritage, and integration in Europe), to review the consolidated recommendations and put them in order of priority. The list will be presented to the European Commission and all other participants of the EUDiF Future Forum which will take place 22-24 June 2021 – more information on the event will come soon, as well as how to register.
The list of 15 recommendations is available in 6 languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Ukrainian. Simply drag and drop the recommendations in the order you would like them to be prioritised.
Voting is open until 11 June.
The consolidated list of recommendations was generated from the recommendations at each of our four diaspora consultations, in which 71 organisations participated. Similar recommendations were combined. Read the original sets of recommendations from each consultation:
- Southwest Europe 9-10 November 2019
- Western Europe May 2020
- Northern Europe 29-30 October 2020
- South, Central & Eastern Europe March 2021