Diaspora engagement projects
Fields marked with an * are compulsory

Diaspora-led projects

  • Organisation

  • Please write the name of the organisation(s) in charge of the project, in original language.
  • Summarise the main mission of the project here.
  • Flagship project

  • Dates
  • What are the main SDGs the project contributes to? Select up to 4. Read more about the different SDGs:
    Click here
  • If the project has finished, what were the results? If it is ongoing, what do you expect the results to be?
  • Describe the follow up planned for the project. If there is no future work planned, please explain why.
  • Max file size: 5mb
    File types: pdf, docx
    Attachments are for EUDiF's information and will not form part of the info-sheet generated by completing this form.
    Accepted file types: pdf, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB.

Share information on your flagship project with us and help us build a global knowledge hub on diaspora-engagement for development.

We are interested in recent projects led by diaspora organisations (since 2015) that focus on development in the country of heritage, or integration and inclusion in the country of residence.

All projects shared will be included in EUDiF’s knowledge database. Select projects will be shared during our events and dialogue with other actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem, including government authorities and international organisations.

Submitted and approved projects will receive a formatted project info-sheet.

By submitting a project, you agree for EUDiF to share all included information publicly.

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