Diaspora 4 Development Grants

EUDiF’s Diaspora 4 Development (D4D) Grants aim to promote sustainable development by supporting diaspora-led initiatives in their countries of origin in the areas of climate, economy, education and health. D4D Grants provide financial support for diaspora organisations to undertake small-scale projects that generate tangible improvements in the well-being of the target community.

It is run via a call for applications, opening on 15 November 2024 with a submission deadline of 15 January 2025. The overall amount made available under D4D Grants is €580,000. Applicants can request an amount from €25,000 to €60,000 depending on the scope of the project and the capacity of the applying organisation to manage the grant.

Application process

Diaspora organisations can apply for D4D Grants to support innovative and impactful projects via the call for applications.

Who can apply?

Legally registered entities in an EU member state, Switzerland, or Norway and operating for over 18 months at the moment of the call for applications’ deadline. Entities may include, but are not limited to, diaspora organisations, civil society organisations, community-based organisations, associations and social enterprises.

The entity should be not-for-profit and should represent diasporas from countries listed in the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) regulation.

For complete applicant eligibility criteria, refer to the Application guidelines section “APPLICANT: Who can apply?”

What is the funding for?

The funding is for projects that focus their planned activities and results on directly benefitting the populations in the country of origin of the organisation applying.

Projects can last between 6 to 18 months and must end by 31 December 2026. The projects proposed should promote sustainable development in one or more of the following areas:

  • Climate: Sustainable practices, renewable energy, conservation efforts, etc.
  • Economy: Job creation, entrepreneurship, sustainable business, etc.
  • Education: Skills development, vocational training, technical education, etc.
  • Health: Healthcare access and quality, preventative care, etc.


For more details on project eligibility, see the Application guidelines section “PROJECT PROPOSAL: What is the funding for?”

How to apply

A full application package (see below) must be submitted via the EUDiF website before 23:59 (Central European Time – CET) on 15 January 2025.

Complete details on how to prepare and submit the application package can be found in the Application guidelines section “APPLICATION PROCESS: How to apply”

Read this guide on how to submit your application package online.

How are applications evaluated and selected?

The applications submitted will be examined and evaluated by the Evaluation Committee according to the criteria set out in the guidelines: relevance of the project, design, implementation approach, sustainability, budget and cost effectiveness, and the applicant’s operational and financial capacity. The Evaluation Committee is appointed by ICMPD and may request advice from the EU and other stakeholders where necessary. The process follows the below steps:

  1. 1) Administrative and eligibility check
  2. 2) Technical evaluation

For a detailed breakdown of the selection process and evaluation criteria, consult the Application guidelines section “EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCESS”.

Need clarification?

Clarifications to all questions received before the deadline on 6 December 2024 are available in English and French via the following links:

Application package

The application package consists of the below list of documents to be filled, signed and submitted. Applications must be complete and include all requested information. Incomplete submissions may be disqualified. Any errors or significant discrepancies could result in the rejection of the application.

Name of document


Submission language

Word document and signed and scanned PDF

English or French

Excel file and signed and scanned PDF

English or French

Signed and scanned PDF. Stamping is not required.


Signed and scanned PDF


Signed and scanned PDF


Signed and scanned PDF. Stamping may be required (see Annex F for further details)


Letter of support

  • Signed and scanned PDF from the associate organisation

English or French

CVs of project team members in applicant organisation


English or French

15 Nov 2024: Call for applications opens

29 Nov 2024: Online information session

6 Dec 2024: Deadline for requesting clarifications from ICMPD

13 Dec 2024: Last date on which clarifications are issued by ICMPD

15 Jan 2025: Deadline for submission at 23:59 CET

Contact us
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After five years of empowering diaspora organisations through capacity development, we are excited to take the next step with D4D Grants. With these we invest directly in the projects that diasporas envision for their communities, turning aspirations into impactful action.
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Hala round
Hala Tarabay
Diaspora Relations Lead, EUDiF