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Upgrading the Rungika domestic money transfer system

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Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the Burundi National Postal Service (RNP) worked in partnership with IOM and RIA Money Transfer to upgrade the Rungika domestic money transfer system, allowing remittances to be collected via the national postal service network of 144 offices. Its international corridor, run in partnership with RIA Money Transfer was launched in 2017 and aims to leverage existing domestic money transfer services. The Rungika project aims to support financial education, inclusion, and communication among rural communities in Burundi via a network of 144 national Rungika agencies. As of November 2018, RNP has received nearly 20,000 deposits, amounting to a total of 1,238,284,150 Burundian Francs (approximately $695,400 USD).


  • Finance
  • Infrastructure
  • Local development
  • Networking
  • Remittances
  • Communication & information
  • Education and vocational training

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