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Socialisation Workshop for the Processes of the Dominican Diaspora Integration into the Local Development Processes in the Dominican Republic 2019

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Through this workshop, the Ministry of Economics, Planning, and Development in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) strategised on how to include the Dominican diaspora for the development of the country, including new methods for the sending and receipt of remittances. As an outcome, a community based pilot diagnostic (not yet implemented by the government) to identify the key areas of engagement of the diaspora will be conducted. Subsequently, a Working Group for Local Development will be created and will include the diaspora as participants. The plan is to then institutionalise the resulting structures and actions in order to replicate this process in communities beyond the pilot community. At this workshop, IOM presented its proposal for an International Guarantee Fund (FIG DOMEX) which would support saving and access to credit in the country of destination for investment in the Dominican Republic.


  • Remittances
  • Capacity building
  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Local development

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