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Programme of Support for Solidarity Initiatives for Development – PAISD

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The PAISD is a mechanism for mobilising and supporting solidarity actions and economic initiatives by the Senegalese diaspora to benefit their country of origin. The scheme is financially supported by the Senegalese government, the European Union and the Agence Française de Développement, and is aimed particularly at Senegalese living in France, Belgium, Spain and Italy. PAISD supports and subsidises up to 80% of the local development initiatives of diaspora associations in their countries of origin, adds value to the savings of the Senegalese diaspora by supporting their initiatives to set up businesses in Senegal, undertakes studies relating to the theme as part of a forward-looking approach, mobilises highly qualified expertise and young people from the diaspora for short-term assignments in Senegal. It revolves around two main objectives:
– The mobilization of migrants’ savings for private investment projects and local development initiatives in their regions of origin in Senegal through capacity building, dissemination of information and the conduct of studies, as well as technical support and subsidies for projects ran by associations of Senegalese nationals living abroad. The projects vary in scale, from small food shops to the construction of a private French school or the development of a multi-shareholder transport company.
– The development of migrants’ human resources in the context of expert or voluntary work through the funding of Senegalese experts’ mobility to take part in the selected initiatives on short or medium-term assignments. The PAISD is coordinated by the Senegalese Technical Assistance Department, with funding delegated to the French Embassy in Dakar. This co-piloting by Senegal and France oversees the Coordination Unit, which provides a forum for dialogue between migrants and the Programme. The operational mechanism covers both Senegal and France.


  • Youth
  • Capacity building
  • Communication & information
  • Data
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Investment
  • Local development
  • Networking
  • Remittances
  • Skills transfer

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