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Itorero Urunana rw’Urungano / Kwibuka (‘Remembrance’) / Rwanda Day

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Itorero is a youth training programme and is regarded mainly as a cultural-centred programme. It is a holistic training system attended by Rwandan youth from around the world that includes civic education exercises, cultural values, patriotism, and social political development of Rwandans.
Kwibuka means ‘to remember’ in Kinyarwanda and describes the annual commemoration of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. The Rwandan diaspora are involved in organising Kwibuka commemorations around the world each year with the support of MINAFFET.
Rwanda Day is a series of annual gatherings where the Rwandan community abroad has an opportunity to discuss its role in shaping the country’s future. Rwanda Day brings together Rwandans living abroad, friends of Rwanda, the President of Rwanda, and other senior leaders from the public and private sectors.


  • Networking
  • Social development
  • Youth
  • Communication & information
  • Culture
  • Education and vocational training
  • Identity

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