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Diaspora Challenge Initiative

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The Diaspora Challenge Initiative aims at leveraging ideas about successful development concepts amongst members of the diaspora looking for opportunities to contribute to Haiti’s economic development. Funded by the United States’ Agency for International Development (USAID), the initiative is part of the broader Leveraging Effective Application of Direct Investments programme (LEAD) implemented by the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF). The LEAD programme encourages the Haitian diaspora in the United States to support Haitian businesses. LEAD has organised four roadshow events in the United States, as well as sponsored two Investment Expos. Out of 272 applicants to the LEAD Business Plan Competition, 34% and 9 of the 31 winning enterprises were from the Haitian Diaspora. These diaspora projects involve diverse issues and sectors, including economic development and the environment. Combined, they are valued at over $3.85M.


  • Investment
  • Local development
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Green & sustainability

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