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Assisting returning migrants 2011

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Latin America

In 2011, the Asociación Hondureña de Instituciones Bancarias (AHIBA) has initiated the “Friends of the Migrant Project”, a corporate social responsibility initiative which includes assistance on: Awareness raising and education of migrants and their families on the proper use of remittances; Encouraging saving practices; Holding a semi-annual running event to raise funds for returned migrants with disabilities.

AHIBA and the Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional (INFOP) of Honduras, signed a Cooperation Agreement in 2012, through which they offer training with an entrepreneurial approach to promote entrepreneurship to deportees. AHIBA’s participation is considered strategic as financial inclusion strategy to help returnees, mainly in terms of access to housing and productive assets.


  • Finance
  • Housing
  • Remittances
  • Return and reintegration
  • Advocacy
  • Communication & information
  • Entrepreneurship

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