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Piloting digital learning on agri-food business and environmental informatics in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is highly dependent on agriculture for its economy, as well as for the day-to-day subsistence of its citizens. Wollo University in Dessie has been one of the most ambitious in the country in testing learning solutions around agriculture and implementing projects aimed to prepare its graduates for the job market in key sectors, including agriculture.

Through a DP4D action with EUDiF, five Ethiopian diaspora professionals are helping Wollo University to develop its first digital curriculum on agri-food business and innovation technology. The global Covid-19 pandemic and national crisis have tested the capacities of the university and put many initiatives on hold. In the face of this, Wollo University, EUDiF and the team of diaspora professionals remain fully committed to offering post-crisis support and to tailoring said support to the current needs.

The action aims to mobilise diaspora expertise to develop the first e-curriculum on agri-food business and innovation technology at Wollo University
12 months
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Programme of activities

The action's activities are split across four modules, including the development of the curriculum content, testing delivery and configuration of the new learning management system for the curriculum piloting.

Shortly after the action started, in October 2021, the conflict in northern Ethiopia reached Dessie and the university was severely damaged. This put the implementation process on hold for a period, during which the EUDiF team, diaspora professionals and university team explored different scenarios and elected to conduct the project in two self-contained phases, the first conducted remotely and second including on-site visits once the security situation improved.

Module I. Course and curriculum development, revision, upgrade and alignment
May 22: Agri-food business development curriculum upgrade proposal

The diaspora experts analysed the existing agri-food business curriculum and assessed needs with Wollo University. An upgrade proposal was submitted for consideration.

Jun 22: Course 1 - Modern agri-food business value chains

The diaspora experts developed the content of the course, its assessment methodology and a test delivery phase.

Jun-Aug 22: Course 2 - Introduction to programming in agriculture and environment

Two diaspora experts developed the content of the course, its assessment methodology and a test delivery phase.

Jul - Oct 22: Course 3 - Big data analytics for agricultural and environmental management

Two diaspora experts developed the content of the course, its assessment methodology and a test delivery phase.

Module II. Training and testing course delivery
Dec 22: Test delivery of course 1

The diaspora experts conducted a test delivery of the course 1 with a focus-group of students and assessed the feedback.

Jan 22: Test delivery of course 2

The diaspora experts conducted a test delivery of the course 2 with a focus-group of students and assessed the feedback.

Mar 23: Test delivery of course 3

The diaspora experts will conduct the test delivery of course 3: Big data analytics for agricultural and environmental management.

Module III. Platform creation - a new learning management system (LMS)
Nov - Dec 22: Assessment of infrastructure needs

Two diaspora experts conducted an assessment of needs regarding infrastructure, hosting and staff/user requirements for the learning management system to host the digital curriculum.

Jan 23: Installation and configuration of new LMS

Together with Wollo University's ICT team, two diaspora experts installed the new LMS and configured the system to the specific needs of the university.

Jan 23: Training of ICT staff

The diaspora expert team delivered a training for the Wollo University ICT staff on the newly installed LMS and prepared the system for the testing.

Jan - Feb 23: Training of university users

One diaspora expert held a specialised training at the Wollo University premises for the users of the new learning management system and prepared them for the test delivery.

Module IV. Course and platform evaluation and enhancement
Feb - Apr 23: Evaluation of course content and delivery

The five diaspora experts will evaluate the test delivery of the three courses and assess the challenges, insights and recommendations for improvement.

Apr - Jun 23: Evaluation of the LMS

EUDiF will facilitate the evaluation of the LMS jointly with the diaspora experts and determine the way forward with the university.

Aug 23: Workshop on digital learning

EUDiF and WU will jointly host a workshop with all involved parties to discuss the digital solutions and pilot of the curriculum, as well opportunities for replication.

Aug - Sep 23: Planning a roadmap for the adoption of the curriculum

The diaspora experts, diaspora experts and EUDiF will agree and prepare a practical roadmap for the adoption of new digital curriculum into the regular curriculum, based on lessons learnt from the pilot phase.

“When the first EUDiF call for requests for support from diaspora professionals was published, I felt that I was personally listened to. The call contained all the right elements, including digitalisation and distance learning, creation of curriculum, and entrepreneurship. These were elements that my fellow diaspora experts and I have considered essential for Wollo University.”
5a_Ayalew Kasshahun
Dr. Ayalew Kassahun
Diaspora professional, based in the Netherlands


Diaspora voices • Africa
Ayalew Kassahun on sharing his academic expertise in agri-business with Wollo University, Ethiopia
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