News • Africa
July 30, 2020
Catch up on our ‘Zoom out’ on global diaspora engagement

On 7 July we hosted an online discussion between the research team who produced the first 50 fact sheets in our mapping of diaspora engagement policies, priorities and practices around the world. It was a fascinating opportunity for the regional experts to compare and contrast their initial findings, and for participants to raise questions directly.

Thank you to the our speakers, Alex, Manuel, Olga, Paul and Vani, and to the 70 participants who engaged so enthusiastically in the exchange. Your questions are inspiring the regional analyses the EUDiF team is currently working on and we are excited to share those with you in the next few months.

In the meantime, revisit the discussion in the recordings below, in English, French and Spanish and explore the graphic recordings showing diaspora policies and institutions and key topics in each region.

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