News • LAC
November 3, 2022
Action launch: Enhancing institutional capacities for diaspora engagement in Peru

We officially launched our CDL action with the Directorate of Assistance to Nationals (ASN) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru (MFA) in October 2022. To mark the occasion, EUDiF’s Agustín Searle Vial and Fanny Tittel-Mosser travelled to Lima to meet the beneficiaries and start the discussion with relevant government stakeholders and local experts.

According to government authorities, more than 3 million Peruvians are living abroad, mainly in the Americas, Spain and Italy, making up almost a tenth of Peru’s entire population. They mainly engage with their heritage country by sending remittances to their families and acting as ambassadors of Peru’s rich culture abroad. However, diaspora engagement is gradually gaining more importance in the country.

Institutional diaspora engagement with an inclusive approach

It is within this context that the Directorate of Assistance to Nationals –the institution within the MFA dealing with issues regarding the Peruvian diaspora– applied to the second call for proposals of our Capacity Development Lab. Through this action, EUDiF will assist the Peruvian MFA in strengthening their regulatory framework for improved institutional performance and coordination in the field of diaspora engagement. It presents an opportunity to work on the institutional development of diaspora engagement through a participatory and inclusive approach involving different governmental entities within Peru and in neighbouring countries. The diaspora will also be consulted to hear about their needs and challenges.

EUDiF in Lima

EUDiF team met with several government stakeholders to better understand their institutional structures and mandates, with a priority given to the Directorate General for Peruvian Communities Abroad and Consular Affairs – the institution under which the ASN is organised. During these exchanges, several actors highlighted the importance of cultural promotion for Peruvian diaspora engagement.

In addition, the EUDiF team and the experts had the possibility to participate in an extraordinary session of the Intersectoral Working Table for Migration Management (Mesa de Trabajo Intersectorial para la Gestión Migratoria). This body was created in 2011 by the MFA to coordinate, evaluate, propose, prioritise and supervise policies and actions related to comprehensive migration management, as regards Peruvian migrants abroad and foreign migrants living in the country. This coordinated forum was an excellent opportunity to present EUDiF and the action with ASN in particular, as well as to interact with other relevant actors for migration management.

The team’s mission coincided with the Day of Peruvians Residing Abroad. An event organised by a Congress member representing the Peruvian diaspora was held to celebrate it and three notable members of the diaspora were awarded for their exceptional contribution to the country.

Travelling to Lima gave us a unique insight into the work currently accomplished at institutional level on diaspora engagement but also the tremendous potential that exists.

Next steps

  • Finalise the institutional mapping to clearly understand roles and mandates
  • Listen to the diaspora through regional diaspora consultations
  • Organise a peer learning exchange with neighbouring countries to propose concrete options for institutionalisation of diaspora engagement to the MFA

The knowledge gathered in these activities will be drawn together as the main sources of inspiration to co-draft alongside ASN staff a blueprint for their regulation of organisation and functions related to diaspora engagement

If you are interested to know more, check our action infosheet below:

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