Our knowledge
May 25, 2023
Introducing “our knowledge”…

In a bid to constantly improve how we share what we have learned through research, dialogue and capacity development, we have developed a new section of the website to present what we have learnt about diaspora engagement by location and by theme: Our knowledge.

Generating, synthesising and sharing knowledge is the lifeblood of EUDiF. We are constantly striving to improve the quality and diversity of our offering to serve the hyper-diverse audience interested in diaspora engagement. With a steady stream of publications throughout the year, the EUDiF website is an open-access knowledge hub containing the latest information on diaspora engagement – and we have just given it a major refresh by reimagining how to share what we have learned in the first four years of the project…

Our knowledge is the new home of everything we have learned about diaspora engagement so far. Starting first with location-based learnings from the global mapping of diaspora engagement and regional analysis, we then dig into practice-based knowledge in the thematic section. This is where you find our “learning by doing” series, in which the team shares practical lessons from our actions.

Thematic knowledge is is divided in four categories: economic capital, human capital, enabling environment and empowering diaspora organisations. The first publication is already live under economic capital, “Commercial intelligence and business opportunities.” You can either read the full dossier in a downloadable PDF in English, French or Spanish, or peruse the highlights via its dedicated page which can be translated into almost any language using the language toggle at the top right hand corner of the page. In the course of 2023 we will add another 9 topics to this series of action-based insights.

Knowing the great diversity of the diaspora-development ecosystem and that each individual is looking for information from a different perspective, we hope that this additional way of navigating through our work will complement what you can find via the news, library and action pages, all of which link together so you can spend hours exploring our vast array of resources!

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let us know at, we really appreciate user-feedback!

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