FF22 report cover
September 6, 2022
Future Forum 22 – conference report out now!

On 11 and 12 May, we hosted the second edition of the Future Forum, bringing the diaspora-development ecosystem together to explore the myriad forms of diaspora human capital and discuss practices that seek to leverage this capital for sustainable development.

Today we publish the full conference report in which we summarise the rich discussions from each session, including the insightful contributions from our stellar Diaspora Youth Rapporteurs. Whether you attended the conference or not, the report is envisioned as a resource and reference for all interested in the potential of diaspora human capital. In it you will find a wealth of information gleaned from the 55 speakers, including recommendations, checklists and – of course – practices galore.

Practices in the spotlight

Thanks to our research and dialogue activities, at EUDiF we are keenly aware of the value of practices to all development policymakers and practitioners. Exploring examples in a multi-stakeholder environment like at the Future Forum is a powerful learning experience, thanks to the questions arising from different perspectives. During the 10 sessions, we unpacked practices in research and education, climate change, business mentoring, investment and more, demonstrating the wealth of options and partnerships to leverage diaspora human capital. Summaries of many of these practices can be found in the EUDiF library, and referenced in the conference report itself.

“It is critical to promote small initiatives (beyond large projects) and shed light on “unusual” stakeholders to bring new ideas within discussions. This is a key feature of the Future Forum.”
Ralph Genetzke, Director, Brussels Mission

Youth in the driving seat

As well as the emphasis on practices, you could not miss the benefits of having Diaspora Youth Rapporteurs acting as active listeners across the conference. The six rapporteurs – former or current participants in the EUDiF Diaspora Youth Internship – certainly kept speakers on their toes and ensured that the priorities of diaspora youth were not forgotten – look out for their key points in the report.

The second edition of the Future Forum will not be the last you see of the internship alumni…

“It all starts with being conscious of the need to be inclusive at organisational and programmes level. The notion of diversity is very present within ICMPD’s structure and work. Youth professionals bring incredible value to teams, in particular on certain topics such as future-oriented mobility schemes and technologies. It is the youth that can provide us with the reality check about today’s world.”
Ralph Genetzke, Director, Brussels Mission

The forum’s future…

Striking while the iron is hot, we are already preparing the next Future Forum. The third and final conference of EUDiF’s pilot phase should take place in autumn 2023. We are only at the beginning of designing the event and always interested in your opinions; get in touch by email

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