Registration waiting list
April 11, 2022
Register for the Future Forum now!

The second edition of the Future Forum is just one month away. Register now and choose which of the 10 sessions you want to join between 11-12 May. You can also join the waiting list for three capacity development workshops.

On 11-12 May 2022, the diaspora-development ecosystem will gather online to explore ‘human capital’ in diaspora engagement at the second edition of the EUDiF Future Forum, the EU’s annual flagship event to advance diaspora-development collaboration globally.

Join the conference to delve into promising practices from around the world and across the spectrum of diaspora-engagement initiatives, from short-term transfer mechanisms, to diaspora investment skills building, to green innovation and resilience (draft agenda).

With over 30 speakers* already confirmed and a welcoming message from Commissioner Urpilainen to kick off the event, we are delighted to now officially open the registration!

*Do you want to present a practice at the Future Forum? Email

Practical workshops – join the waiting list

As well as the 10 public sessions, this year we have added three practical workshops to the agenda for EUDiF’s main beneficiaries: partner governments and diaspora organisations.

These workshops are bite-sized sessions on priority topics of interest for capacity development, as demonstrated during the applications for EUDiF capacity development support and raised during our diaspora consultations and regional thematic meetings.

The interactive sessions will introduce concrete tools and be an opportunity for peer-learning. The workshops are led by experts in their field, many of whom self-identify as diaspora. There will be English-French interpretation during each workshop.

Read more about each of the workshops on offer:

In order to facilitate truly interactive workshops, we are piloting these workshops with a limited number of participants (2 max per organisation). If you would like to join the waiting list, please apply in your language of choice:

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