CDL and DP4D deadline extension
News • Global
July 5, 2021
*Deadline extended* Apply for CDL & DP4D by 29 August!

*Deadline extended* Our second and final call for applications to the Capacity Development Lab (CDL) and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development (DP4D) mechanism is right around the corner: 29 August 23:59 CEST.

With just under two weeks left until the deadline for applications to our two technical support programmes, we recap on the two options: Capacity Development Lab and Diaspora Professionals 4 Development (DP4D)…

Capacity Development Lab

Under the CDL, we offer technical assistance to help your organisation conduct research, develop strategic documents, organise training sessions, facilitate partnerships and promote your work. We have prepared application guidelines to help you better understand what support EUDiF can offer through this mechanism.

If you represent one the following and are interested in strengthening your work on diaspora engagement, EUDiF’s CDL was made just for you:

  • Diaspora organisations based in Europe (EU27, Norway, Switzerland or the United Kingdom)
  • Local and central public institutions from partner countries (Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and the Pacific)
  • Regional organisations based in partner countries

To get a glimpse of what it is like to work with us under the CDL, read up on how we have partnered with a diaspora organisation from Lebanon and another from Armenia to strengthen their capacity to collaborate with their diaspora on expanding the tech sector via the diaspora and supporting women entrepreneurs respectively.

Interested? Submit your application via our online form:

Diaspora Professionals 4 Development

DP4D is a mechanism that deploys diaspora professionals on short-term assignments in their countries of heritage to share their expertise in the following sectors: digitalisation, education, entrepreneurship, environment and climate change, and health. Use our request guidelines to better understand how the DP4D mechanism works.

If you represent one of the following and are interested in learning from the knowledge, skills and experiences of diaspora professionals, you may qualify for support under our DP4D mechanism:

  • Local and central public institutions from partner countries (Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, and the Pacific)
  • Regional organisations based in partner countries

To see an example of a DP4D assignment, check out our action in Moldova.

You can prepare your application with a diaspora professional if you already have one in mind. Otherwise, EUDiF provides support in scouting experts through our growing expert roster.

Top tip for both options: we take the evaluation criteria of quality, coherence and impact very seriously when evaluating applications. The criteria are set out in the guidelines, so make sure to incorporate these elements in your application.

The clock is ticking: the deadline for both options is 29 August 23:59 CEST, so get started if you haven’t yet!

We look forward to receiving your applications!

For questions or concerns, please contact

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