On Wednesday 23 June 15:30 – 16:30 (CEST) during the Future Forum, EUDiF is stepping into the future and hosting a fully online networking session in partnership with the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY). There are suggested discussion themes and special guests but – just like in real-life – you have full control. Is this the future of networking? You’ll have to be there to know!
Networking for the future takes place halfway through the the Future Forum on Wednesday 23 June, from 15:30 (CEST). With MGCY, we have designed an experimental networking space to which we invite all actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem to meet and mingle in this virtual, informal, peer-to-peer activity.
The whole idea of the Future Forum is to look ahead, and with virtual-working and meetings likely to remain a big part of our lives, join us to experiment with how networking might look in the years to come – and to continue the conversations of the Future Forum, of course!
To help get conversations started, there will be a quick introduction and then you can find like-minded people by visiting the four themed spaces. In each theme, there will be a few special guests ready to exchange in various languages. You can invite people to join a conversation circle, or lock it for privacy, have conversations outside of the spaces – you are in full control!
Of course Networking for the future is an opportunity to discuss the topics of the conference but as in real-world networking we know the conversations will flow from there and we hope you will enjoy the feeling of meeting new people, by moving around the space and choosing who to speak to and for how long. With UNMGCY we have identified four topics of interest for the diaspora-development ecosystem and secured a host of very special guests for each – will you visit them all?
>>Youth collaboration: Are you ‘youth’ or young at heart and want to engage with the next generation? Visit this space to speak to MGCY & #CongoExcellence representatives amongst others.
>> Representation: A space to talk about the importance of diaspora representation in policymaking and international organisations and how to make it a reality. From job-hunting to allyship, you’ll find special guests from the Quakers Council for European Affairs, the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and the African Diaspora Youth Forum (ADYFE).
>>Technology & community building: An appropriately virtual space to talk about the power of technology & digital diasporas. From online community building, education and media to a diaspora start-up platform, the special guests from Program Your Future, Comdu.it, Diaspora Digital Media and GrowHome have a lot to share.
>>Humanitarianism: As the pandemic slowly starts to recede, join this space to share experiences and ideas for enhancing diaspora involvement in humanitarian response and post-crisis recovery. Our research partner Shabaka will be in this space, along with Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination (DEMAC) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) which both promote and facilitate coordination with diasporas in times of crisis.
>>Investment: Join the Joint Research Centre to learn more about the new publication Diaspora finance for development: from remittances to investment which discusses how different forms of migrant and diaspora finance, understood as remittances and investments, work and with what impact on international development.
This is an exciting partnership for MGCY as we work to engage young migrants across the world, from 1st to 3rd generations onwards, and an opportunity for us to reach and discuss key issues with diaspora youth and enhance their involvement in traditional migration advocacy spaces. Diaspora youth face both overlapping and different challenges to other youth affected by migration. These challenges can include racism, identity, cultural normativity and more complexity such as hybrid identities. It is crucial that these are also highlighted and heard in our efforts to build a better future for migrants and youth everywhere – Elana Wong, Global Focal Point for Migration & Youth Platform, MGCY
At a glance: how Networking for the future works
- What: Meet and mingle with participants from the forum. Explore the themed spaces to find like-minded people, chat informally and connect on a human level. It may still be via a screen, but we believe we can break the ice!
- Why: To break down the on-screen barriers between panels and chat boxes and meet fellow participants face to face
- Where: On Wonder (register for the Future Forum and you will find all the details in the programme)
- When: Wednesday 23 June, 15:30-16:30 CEST (but we won’t cut conversations short, you can stay as long as you want in the Future Forum – Wonderful!)
- How: Connect from a computer, no software to download (use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge), easy log-in (name + languages you can chat in).
- Who: Everyone attending the Future Forum or interested in diaspora engagement is welcome.