EUDiF Future Forum
News • Global
May 28, 2021
REGISTER NOW! Future Forum 22-24 June

Join us in June for a groundbreaking multi-day online conference to which we invite all actors in the diaspora-development ecosystem to exchange on the state of play of diaspora engagement and discuss its future, with a focus on green transitions and youth#diaspora4future

After our series of diaspora consultation and regional webinars and government roundtables, 22-24 June we bring together policy-makers, diaspora representatives and other development practitioners from around the world for our first ever Future Forum. As the name suggests, this multi-stakeholder event is an opportunity to look ahead, sharing practices and ideas for how to maximise the potential of diaspora engagement for development in the years ahead.

Why attend?

  • To take stock of strategies, practices and potential for collaboration,
  • To catalyse engagement within the diaspora-development ecosystem,
  • To make new connections,
  • To help set direction for future action.

The Future Forum was designed in response to calls from diaspora organisations in Europe to have more opportunities to communicate with each other, as well as with the European institutions, countries of heritage and international organisations.

We are excited to host the first Future Forum and look forward to the new ideas and collaborations that will most certainly come out of it. – Oleg Chirita, Head of Global Initiatives

Themes & agenda

We have split the event over three days, with 18 thematic sessions featuring 80+ practitioners, plus one online networking session that will be an opportunity for informal conversations with fellow participants and some special guests.

  • Tuesday 22 June: THE FUTURE OF THE ECOSYSTEM Debates on enabling environments, mapping, network-building and capacity development to optimise diaspora engagement for development.
  • Wednesday 23 June: GOING GREEN – How diaspora can drive effective green actions in line with European and international commitments.
  • Thursday 24 June: YOUTH DRIVE – Learning from and planning with second and third generation diaspora for the SDGs decade of action and beyond.

Check out the draft agenda for a flavour of the sessions which are a mix of keynotes, panels and workshops. Expect lots of practices to analyse, compare and learn from!

Location & languages

The event will take place online and is free to join. It is open to all interested actors. We will launch a registration platform soon via which you can select the sessions you wish to attend.

All sessions will be run in English, French and Spanish as a minimum, with simultaneous interpretation; additional languages may be on offer for specific sessions.

How can you be involved?

As well as attending the event, we invite you to:

  • Spread the word within your network,
  • Suggest possible speakers, panelists and moderators,
  • Share more ideas for the programme.

For more information, please get in touch via

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