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SVG Disaster Relief Initiative Platform (SVG-DRIP)

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Exposed to natural disasters, in 2021 the island endured the severe consequences of volcanic eruptions. Numerous diaspora organizations extended their support through financial contributions and in-kind donations. SVG Relief USA, Inc. dispatched two containers with relief supplies and donated US$20,000. Other organizations also made contributions, with the UK-SVG Friendship Trust donating EC$ 330,000 (about US$122,000) to the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The Trust collaborated with the SVG High Commission, the National Council of St Vincent and the Grenadines Association UK, and over 7000 donors to raise the funds, which were promptly distributed to those affected. One of the first ventures of the integrated platform was to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline healthcare workers in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • Humanitarian aid
  • Crisis management

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