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Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals

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Middle East

The Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals programme has facilitated 48 assignments in Iraq in the areas of education, health, engineering and humanitarian assistance. A second phase of the project is currently ongoing within which members of the Iraqi diaspora in the Netherlands could contribute to the development of Iraq through their expertise, knowledge and entrepreneurship by participating to the IOM’s Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) project. Through temporary assignments, professional diaspora members were linked to the selected institutions in Iraq to share knowledge and expertise. Through this project, IOM also enabled diaspora entrepreneurs to start or expand a business in Iraq. Selected candidates could participate in go-and-see missions in Iraq to scan the business climate to decide if their business idea is viable.


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health
  • Humanitarian aid
  • Skills transfer
  • Capacity building
  • Education and vocational training

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