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Strengthening co-development initiatives in the Cacheu-Guinea-Bissau region (RICODEV)


This project funded by ECOWAS and AECID and implemented by the Groupe de Recherche et de Realisation (GRDR) focuses mainly on the promotion of the involvement of migrant associations in the development of their region of origin according to an approach based on exchanges and consultation between the public, local actors and migrant associations. According to the 2016 ICMPD/IOM/ECOWAS study cited above, this was still functional in 2016 but the current status of all its activities remains unclear. This project also included a 2019 mapping of Guinea-Bissau diaspora organisations in France, Spain, Portugal, Gambia and Senegal with the aim of enabling diaspora organisations to connect and build better knowledge of initiatives conducted in the country, particularly in the region of Cacheu so as to enable better engagement between the government and diaspora involved in development projects back home. The study showed that diaspora organisations have continued to deliver projects at local level across a range of sectors in Guinea Bissau but with little to no interaction with the state authorities.


  • Data
  • Governance
  • Local development
  • Networking
  • Communication & information

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