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#BacharLorai (Baa-Char-Law-Rye) 2020

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A coordination platform which sprang out of the Covid-19 pandemic to bring together expats, citizens and
grassroots organizations working on complex policy challenges in Bangladesh.
Initially a hashtag meaning “fight for survivial”, it was transformed into a coordination platform to coordinate
different actors. In 2020 the coordination efforts mobilised funds to distribute food supplies as well
as acquiring medical equipment. This helped provide relief to tens of thousands of people in Bangladesh.
The platform continued as Resource Coordination Network Bangladesh connecting grassroots organizations
and subject matter experts who help identify bottlenecks, promote knowledge sharing and provide
support for new initiatives.


  • Digitalisation
  • Health
  • Humanitarian aid
  • Networking
  • Policy
  • Social protection
  • Communication & information
  • Crisis management

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