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Support for Diaspora Enterprise

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2011 - 2014

The Programme d’Aide à la Création d’Entreprises Innovantes en Méditerranée (PACEIM), delivered in partnership with the European Investment Bank, ran from 2011-2014, and aimed to accompany and support the creation of 100 innovative businesses in the South and East of the Mediterranean. In addition, since 2017, young Algerian diasporans (18-35 years) have been eligible to apply for start-up credit for micro- and SMEs in Algeria at the National Youth Employment Support Agency. Incentives include access to unsecured loans; access to additional loans if necessary for triangular financing; and tax exemptions during business start-up and the first three years of operation.


  • Investment
  • Skills transfer
  • Youth
  • Employment
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance

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