Cover image of publication "Learning by doing: Success factors for capacity development in diaspora engagement"
July 24, 2023
Learning by doing: Success factors for capacity development

In the latest publication in our “Learning by doing” series, Diana Hincu reflects on the ingredients for successful capacity development initiatives, based on the EUDiF portfolio.

EUDiF has a portfolio of 16 capacity development actions, some with government institutions, others with diaspora organisations. Together, the actions contribute to eleven Sustainable Development Goals. Whilst each action is unique, co-designed with the applicant and tailored to the local context, there are common factors which help ensure the success of our actions.

In the latest in our “Learning by doing” series, Capacity Development Specialist Diana Hincu shares EUDiF’s key success factors, drawing on our global portfolio.

Read about how we identify needs and the trends observed for government institutions and diaspora organisations, as well as the implementation lifecycle. Most importantly, we hope the lessons we have learned in the last few years will support others working on diaspora engagement. We group these according to our two implementation maxims:

  • Design for sustainability, implement for impact
  • Capitalise on the strengths of each stakeholder

Dive into our reflections in English, French or Spanish here:

Do you agree with the strengths we have observed of each stakeholder type? Do you have additional advice? Let us know what you think:

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