EUDiF is 5!
Read the project's story so far and look to the future with us...
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Annual update of the global mapping
Discover the new policies, practices and institutions from around the world, as well as 10 new country profiles!
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Fanny Tittel-Mosser
Knowledge Management & Research Officer
Event takeaways: Rabat Process meeting on the role of entrepreneurship and diaspora engagement
Charlotte's top takeaways on diaspora engagement between Africa and Europe.
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Charlotte Griffiths
Communications Officer
Funded by the European Union

Who we are

EUDiF is a pilot project funded by the European Union’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) under the Development Cooperation Instrument, running from June 2019 until the end of 2023. The project is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).


How we work

EUDiF seeks to consolidate knowledge and action to address the fragmentation of diaspora engagement for development. We assist diaspora organisations in Europe, countries of origin and the EU to engage and collaborate more effectively with each other on development issues.

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Our knowledge

At EUDiF, we believe that sharing knowledge is essential to maximise the potential of diaspora engagement for sustainable development. We generate and organise our knowledge by location, theme and practice, and make it all available for free.

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Our actions

In the first phase, 2019-2023, EUDiF developed a diverse portfolio of 16 technical support actions in partnership with government authorities and diaspora organisations. Explore the actions and their outputs to inspire your own work.

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Diaspora expertise

Diaspora members have long been acknowledged as agents for sustainable development with great potential in terms of social, human and financial capital. At EUDiF we believe in mainstreaming diaspora expertise for sustainable development when said diaspora expertise can bring added value.

In the first phase, a specific mechanism Diaspora Professionals 4 Development was used to recruit and deploy Europe-based diaspora professionals in actions to support short-term development projects in countries of heritage, including in Ethiopia, Moldova and the Philippines. Diaspora professionals also supported many of the actions under the Capacity Development Lab. In the second phase of the project, capacity development is not separated in the same way, but diaspora expertise is prioritised across all activities.

Diaspora engagement maps

Find out about diaspora engagement policies, practices and priorities around the world, as well as relevant emigration and remittances data.


Celebrating 5 years – our story so far 
June 19, 2024
June 2024 sees five years of the EU Global Diaspora Facility and the start of a second phase. What started...
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Global mapping update: 10 new countries and much more
May 29, 2024
Each year we update the global mapping of diaspora engagement conducted in 2019-20. The latest update, with information from 2023...
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Blog • Africa
Event takeaways: Rabat Process meeting on the role of entrepreneurship and diaspora engagement
May 23, 2024
On 15-16 May 2024 the Rabat Process, which is the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration and Development, hosted a thematic meeting...
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